Friday, January 14, 2011

outside of my head

Hilarious.  Writing brings joy. Having an outlet for the thoughts and emotions that flood the opposed to keeping all those bubble thoughts inside...waiting for the right moment to say, "stfu you stupid b!@#$." Course, we don't get that opportunity; we bite our tongues because we're sane, we keep it in and sit on it.  I'm thinking I have about 500 thoughts bubbles I keep inside that are negative. And I could positively say that about 90% almost come out. 

I'm not sure how nice people work either. I see them and wonder how do they do that. I'm jealous I guess. I'm fully of sarcasm..cynical..and just your average pessimist when it comes to life.  I got shyt on this past year for about 134 days straight. Figured this year might be better...idk. Having a positive thought scares me...its like I'm double daring my soul to imagine the possibility of a joy-filled day. 

So, here's to 2011. Fuck you 2010. I'm gonna put my heart out there again..if the world shyts on me is new?????

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gossip will get you says the with her head...

I read about 75% of a bio about Queen Elizabeth; its amazing how little time's have changed.
women of that period and people for that matter had about the same struggles as we do, but the consequences and perhaps circumstances regarding the heart aches differ slightly, but the substance is the same.  Gossipy hoes..still lurking....

okay so when someone tries to talk about you, you don't get the opportunity to have them beheaded or sent to a tower until you feel they've learned their lesson. 
Now that's a good one.  

Let's say you do run your Mary, Queen of Scotland, who got herself in some poop a many of times and YET never quite learned her lesson.  Queen E. saved her but from her own people trying to get rid of her and yet he bitch still tried to have Queen E. killed..and then wondered why her ass got beheaded.  And that was the nice alternative ending.

 If you ask me, she should have got what her other conspirators got...disemboweled and dragged, and quartered...only fair...equal opportunity for all. 

Apparently Queen E. thought about it before she gave her the same treatment..and felt it shouldn't be public either.  Okay, wtf ?  Queen E. was way to nice..course she had to be because of the peoples view of her...ugh.  

If you gossip about trying to have someone else killed or talk ill of someone who has always been there for you...why on Earth would you be the troglodyte and do such a heinous act?  

Perhaps we should ask those Mary's that still wonder this Earth, still head attached and in no fear of least no in this time..on Earth..but your time will will be judged. Good luck with that.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Celebrity Ghost Stories

Okay, someone must get the whole celebrity thing because at times I don't. 
So the definition of a celebrity is via wikipedia is a person who is easily recognized in a society or culture. It appears by my italicization of certain words, that the key words are easily recognized.  So why is it that whenever a show you're carousing that starts of with the word "celebrity" no one in that show is recognizable.  

Here's my thinking; if you're a freaking celebrity, why do you have to have a brief synopsis to remind you of the nonexistent celebrity status.  smfh

exhibit A: i was watching celebrity ghost stories on A&E and everyone once in a while they might have one real celebrity, but last night was hilarious.  There was Eric Roberts, who is a sort of celebrity, i didn't need to read the synopsis on the screen to know who he was, and his story of ghosts; and then there was this actor who had a synopsis that was so wrong, omg.  

Anyone remember the Outsiders ??  

Well if you do, perhaps you saw the movie, and pony boy,C.Thomas Howell's ,
Well, A&E apparently thought that he had some serious celebrity status- this was evident because his synopsis read
...made famous by the 1980 hit movie, "The Outsiders"....and made over 50 movies..
Wow. And this was the only thing that they had to get the rest of the modern world to remember him by.  I'm sorry, but my first thoughts were, wow he's old..if he had his cut off shirt on I for sure would've remembered him minus his gray hair.  Really??  Did that just happen?  And of course Eric Roberts was the only real celebrity on the show, and the others were fillers. They put the big hitters up front to lure you in in the hopes that a real celebrity will have a good story...and then you're inevitably disappointed. 

So really, why is it that the celebrity shows never have celebrities on them?? I've come to think of shows that start with the mere word "celebrity.." are synonymous with time slot fillers.

Anyone else see this too?? smfh

Saturday, June 19, 2010

social whore intervention

i thought i'd start this blog off again with posts that can be interactive.

 it appears that the whole Facebook thing is becoming something of a technological whore that we are all addicted to. this social whore is addictive, contagious, spreads faster than malaria, and perhaps we all need an intervention.  

I found it pretty easy to avoid using due to the fact that i cut out everyone that would've been a friend long ago. therefore..found myself not needing a social networking site for to connect me with no one. unfortunately, like a playboy, the lure of the cover and conversations about it draws one in to the world of social whoring and i too began feeling the itch to connect with Facebook; i began to see what the fuss was about. its like reading everyone's diary online-a fountain of information.

its  the social whore everyone clings to for juicy tidbits of ones day or weekend...all you have to do is be accepted as their friend..and the world is yours.  Its like a small battle plan you've contrived in your head to get more and more information.  

as it turns intervention perhaps is needed.  waking up and checking a Facebook page to see if you've had any posts, comments, or messages in your inbox about something stupid you said or did is call for help.

i deactivated my account because it was becoming a daily fix i had to have..even hiding the app form myself on my phone so i wouldn't be so inclined to check on it every 20 minutes of the day wasn't enough. i had to hide it from myself.

in the end, i went back online, reactivated my account, and have now been zero days sober. yesterday would've been two days, but i ended up sucked back in to her web.  so now i sit, back to the counter in need of an intervention from this social whore.

really? should my day revolve around people's status updates? until i will for now. 
lmfao. i will keep a posting and counter on the side of my status..please feel free to comment and let me know if i'm alone in this addiction to this social whore..we need to break free of social crack whores smh