Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gossip will get you says the with her head...

I read about 75% of a bio about Queen Elizabeth; its amazing how little time's have changed.
women of that period and people for that matter had about the same struggles as we do, but the consequences and perhaps circumstances regarding the heart aches differ slightly, but the substance is the same.  Gossipy hoes..still lurking....

okay so when someone tries to talk about you, you don't get the opportunity to have them beheaded or sent to a tower until you feel they've learned their lesson. 
Now that's a good one.  

Let's say you do run your Mary, Queen of Scotland, who got herself in some poop a many of times and YET never quite learned her lesson.  Queen E. saved her but from her own people trying to get rid of her and yet he bitch still tried to have Queen E. killed..and then wondered why her ass got beheaded.  And that was the nice alternative ending.

 If you ask me, she should have got what her other conspirators got...disemboweled and dragged, and quartered...only fair...equal opportunity for all. 

Apparently Queen E. thought about it before she gave her the same treatment..and felt it shouldn't be public either.  Okay, wtf ?  Queen E. was way to nice..course she had to be because of the peoples view of her...ugh.  

If you gossip about trying to have someone else killed or talk ill of someone who has always been there for you...why on Earth would you be the troglodyte and do such a heinous act?  

Perhaps we should ask those Mary's that still wonder this Earth, still head attached and in no fear of least no in this time..on Earth..but your time will will be judged. Good luck with that.

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