Saturday, June 19, 2010

social whore intervention

i thought i'd start this blog off again with posts that can be interactive.

 it appears that the whole Facebook thing is becoming something of a technological whore that we are all addicted to. this social whore is addictive, contagious, spreads faster than malaria, and perhaps we all need an intervention.  

I found it pretty easy to avoid using due to the fact that i cut out everyone that would've been a friend long ago. therefore..found myself not needing a social networking site for to connect me with no one. unfortunately, like a playboy, the lure of the cover and conversations about it draws one in to the world of social whoring and i too began feeling the itch to connect with Facebook; i began to see what the fuss was about. its like reading everyone's diary online-a fountain of information.

its  the social whore everyone clings to for juicy tidbits of ones day or weekend...all you have to do is be accepted as their friend..and the world is yours.  Its like a small battle plan you've contrived in your head to get more and more information.  

as it turns intervention perhaps is needed.  waking up and checking a Facebook page to see if you've had any posts, comments, or messages in your inbox about something stupid you said or did is call for help.

i deactivated my account because it was becoming a daily fix i had to have..even hiding the app form myself on my phone so i wouldn't be so inclined to check on it every 20 minutes of the day wasn't enough. i had to hide it from myself.

in the end, i went back online, reactivated my account, and have now been zero days sober. yesterday would've been two days, but i ended up sucked back in to her web.  so now i sit, back to the counter in need of an intervention from this social whore.

really? should my day revolve around people's status updates? until i will for now. 
lmfao. i will keep a posting and counter on the side of my status..please feel free to comment and let me know if i'm alone in this addiction to this social whore..we need to break free of social crack whores smh

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