Friday, January 14, 2011

outside of my head

Hilarious.  Writing brings joy. Having an outlet for the thoughts and emotions that flood the opposed to keeping all those bubble thoughts inside...waiting for the right moment to say, "stfu you stupid b!@#$." Course, we don't get that opportunity; we bite our tongues because we're sane, we keep it in and sit on it.  I'm thinking I have about 500 thoughts bubbles I keep inside that are negative. And I could positively say that about 90% almost come out. 

I'm not sure how nice people work either. I see them and wonder how do they do that. I'm jealous I guess. I'm fully of sarcasm..cynical..and just your average pessimist when it comes to life.  I got shyt on this past year for about 134 days straight. Figured this year might be better...idk. Having a positive thought scares me...its like I'm double daring my soul to imagine the possibility of a joy-filled day. 

So, here's to 2011. Fuck you 2010. I'm gonna put my heart out there again..if the world shyts on me is new?????

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